I've been an Everclear fan for more than half a decade now, and that's not going to change anytime soon but I have to say that enough is enough. I'll admit it, the first time I listened to Sparkle & Fade, I was entranced by the music Everclear made. The next day, I ran right out and bought World of Noise, and was equally impressed with it, especially upon learning about its $400 recording cost. Basically what I'm trying to say is I respect and admire the band Everclear for the music they make. While I can assure you that the band members are all great guys, I don't obsess over them. The same cannot be about said Art, Craig, and Greg's views of me. That's right Everclear is stalking me.
I can trace
the whole incident back to the band's first stop in Houston
(April 11th, 1996). While in attendance at the concert, I found
Art was constantly staring at me, I mean ever song. Art had
his sights trained on me as he sang every word directly to me.
Sure it was a little embarrassing to be singled out like that,
but I was honored to receive the attention from
someone whose music I respect and enjoy so much. Time passed
and I didn't see Everclear or Art until the band began to tour
Texas again on November 21st and 22nd of 1997 in Austin and
Dallas. Again, I was subjected to Art's constant glares and
attention. But on the concert held on the 22nd was a little
different, not only did I have Art's attention, but it seemed
that Craig and Greg were watching me too. At first, I just passed
their watchfulness off as paranoia. Surely not all three members
of Everclear are watching me I thought. But I found out at the
Houston show February 28th 1998 that my suspicions did in fact
turn out to be on the nose. All of them were watching me. It
only got weirder from there.
It seems a
lot of people have been misinformed on how I ended up being
on MTV's FANatic and getting to meet and interview Everclear.
Some people think that I called MTV, did numerous interviews,
made videotapes of myself begging to meet the band. This is
entirely false. Where people get this idea I have no clue. The
truth be known, I was chosen by MTV because the band specifically
requested that I be put on the show. I was reluctant at first,
but finally gave in to the bands pleas to meet them in New York.
It was nice hanging out with the band and all, but they wouldn't
give me any personal time. I mean, this was my first time in
New York, and being in college I don't get to spend quality
time with my mother. After the interview, I just wanted to spend
some time around town with my mom. But no, Everclear just couldn't
handle that. I ended up having to tell them I was to jetlagged
and needed sleep, just so I could get away from them.
The next day
the concert was great, but afterwards things got really annoying.
Art kept asking me to go on the road with them, quit my job,
blah, blah, blah. I was relieved to get out on the early flight
the next morning. Then I had to deal with the fact the MTV needed
some sort of home video recording of me asking to be on Fanatic,
so the band wouldn't look bad or desperate. I did so, once again
only because of my respect for the band's music.
You'd think
my problems would have ended there
oh no. I've gone to
all but one Everclear show in Texas since I saw them for Fanatic,
but only because I know that they look up to me, I'd hate to
disappoint them by not being there. Most recently on August
31st, 2000 I saw Everclear in Dallas. You'd think they would
have gotten over their little obsession with me. Nope, still
going strong as ever. In fact it's even worse. I'm getting calls
from the guys at all hours. Whether it's in the middle of my
dinner, study time, or even at 3am. Now that Everclear is out
of the studio, they want to hang out all the time. Thank god
they are out
on tour now, because these guys don't know when to stop. The
band's obsession doesn't end with me; it has carried over to
my dog, Brodie. Recently,
in concert Art started off the song You Make Me Feel Like A
Whore by yelling out "Talk
a walk with Brodie!" Come on guys; leave little Brodie
out of this.
I'm not sure what to do anymore. The police say they can't do anything since no one is doing anything illegal. They say that I should just ignore them, but that hasn't worked. So I turn to you, my readers for help. Along with this plea, I have included photo evidence of my stalking, you may click the pictures for more detailed versions. Please help me in getting Everclear to stop stalking me.
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